Seaweed for research

Our applications

Many of the applications described above and a whole host more – including seaweeds’ potential in biofuel reduction, methane reduction, as anti-cancer treatments and bioremediation – are still at an early stage. To ensure that their true potential is met, a growing number of organisations are conducting crucial, pioneering research into the unique properties of seaweeds.

Dried samples of five species of seaweed at different particle sizes

A wide range of species are available for research purposes

We are proud to be working with a range in universities and research centres in the UK and Europe. This includes projects relating to seaweed production, nutritional analysis and component extraction. Harvesting a wide range of species since 2016 means that we have an archive comprising hundreds of samples dried seaweed taken from different sites and seasons: a valuable resource for bioprospecting. Download our archive brochure or contact us for an overview of the samples available.

Seaweed biomass assessment on the north coast of Caithness

Our shoreline surveys started in 2014, giving us over a decade of experience in scientific assessment of seaweed on the rocky intertidal. Nearly ten different marine biology students and graduates have contributed to our surveys over the years, including initial site walkovers, biomass assessment and environmental impact monitoring. Our methodology required intense development to achieve meaningful results in a complex dynamic environment.

Horizon Seaweed can advise on recording and filming seaweed on the shore

Horizon Seaweed has hosted photographers, documentary makers and broadcasters keen to capture Scottish seaweed and the stunning seascapes around Caithness. This includes our appearance on the BBC’s Inside The Factory in 2023. We provide guidance around tides and harvest sites to help maximise opportunities in weather conditions that can - occasionaly! - be somewhat challenging. Horizon Seaweed has also supplied seaweed to film and television studios, helping guide set decorators on what species to use. Look out for our seaweed appearing on the small and big screen!

We are members of the Scottish Seaweed Industry Association. We can also advise on the best ways to scale applications, for example varieties that can be farmed or supplied in volume from the wild.

Speak to Horizon Seaweed about our traceability and collaboration opportunities

Get in touch

Case studies in the research industry

Samples from our archive

Supporting your research needs

Over many years of production, Horizon Seaweed has harvested a range of species in different seasons. Our team has carefully reserved samples of batches harvested in various months to provide an archive designed for research projects. This is a gold mine for identifying variation of individual components between species and seasons, sometimes known as bioprospecting. All samples can be provided with full traceability, which we are happy to discuss with you.

Species January February March April May June July August September October November December
Bladder wrack
Fucus vesiculosus
Bladder wrack thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is available during April Is available during May Is available during June Is currently not available during July Is currently not available during August Is available during September Is available during October Is available during November Is available during December
Toothed wrack
Fucus serratus
Toothed wrack thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is available during April Is available during May Is available during June Is available during July Is available during August Is available during September Is available during October Is available during November Is available during December
Spiral wrack
Fucus spiralis
Spiral wrack thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is available during April Is available during May Is currently not available during June Is currently not available during July Is currently not available during August Is currently not available during September Is available during October Is available during November Is available during December
Knotted wrack
Ascophyllum nodosum
Knotted wrack thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is available during April Is currently not available during May Is currently not available during June Is currently not available during July Is available during August Is available during September Is available during October Is available during November Is available during December
Channelled wrack
Pelvetia canaliculata
Channelled wrack thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is currently not available during April Is currently not available during May Is currently not available during June Is currently not available during July Is currently not available during August Is currently not available during September Is currently not available during October Is currently not available during November Is currently not available during December
Atlantic wakame
Alaria esculenta
Atlantic wakame thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is available during April Is available during May Is available during June Is available during July Is available during August Is available during September Is currently not available during October Is currently not available during November Is currently not available during December
Laminaria digitata
Kelp thumbnail
Is currently not available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is currently not available during April Is available during May Is available during June Is available during July Is available during August Is currently not available during September Is currently not available during October Is available during November Is available during December
Sugar kelp
Saccharina latissima
Saccahrina latissima, sugar kelp seaweed in a rock pool. thumbnail
Is currently not available during January Is currently not available during February Is currently not available during March Is currently not available during April Is available during May Is available during June Is currently not available during July Is currently not available during August Is currently not available during September Is currently not available during October Is currently not available during November Is currently not available during December
Sea Spaghetti
Himanthalia elongata
Sea Spaghetti thumbnail
Is currently not available during January Is currently not available during February Is available during March Is available during April Is available during May Is available during June Is available during July Is available during August Is currently not available during September Is currently not available during October Is currently not available during November Is currently not available during December
Palmaria palmata
Dulse thumbnail
Is available during January Is available during February Is available during March Is currently not available during April Is currently not available during May Is currently not available during June Is available during July Is available during August Is available during September Is available during October Is available during November Is available during December