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Our coast: Brough

This article by Iskander Bond is our latest post on our seaweed harvest sites around Caithness. Brough is one of our smallest sites, but the rocks and cliffs make it one of the most beautiful. It is on the eastern side of Dunnet Head, the most northerly point of the British mainland. Brough has proven to be a useful site for harvesting a variety of species, thanks to the shelter provided by the surrounding cliffs.

A stunning rocky bay on the Caithness coastline

First of all, let’s clarify the pronunciation of this site. Unlike namesakes in other parts of the UK, our Brough is pronounced to rhyme with that most Scottish of words ‘loch’. While it is likely that Brough is taken from the Gaelic word ‘bruthach’ – meaning steep bank or brae – some believe it originates from the many ancient fortifications called brochs that are common around Caithness.