Irish moss
Seaweed species guide

- Harvested
- Upon request
Irish moss is a small branching red seaweed, although its shape and colour varies according to conditions. Fronds at certain times of year show a blue iridescence on their tips. The complex carbohydrate carrageenan can constitute the majority of its weight. While Irish moss has long been used a source of this gelling agent, most commercial production is from farmed warm-water red seaweeds - Kappaphycus and Eucheuma - that are sold as sea moss or, misleadingly, Irish moss.
This species is easily confused with Mastocarpus stellatus, which is helpfully named false Irish Moss. The two related species share the same habitat, with the false version dominating our harvest sites. Although we have very limited stocks of Irish moss, the Horizon Seaweed team can source Irish moss from approved external suppliers.
- Typical uses
Traditionally used for food and biocompounds, but finding increasing applications in the human health sector.
Our recommended applications for irish moss
Months of wild harvest irish moss production
We have developed a detailed knowledge of harvest seasons. Specifically, it may be possible to pick small quantities of a variety early in a season, but we delay first harvest until the rates reach commercial scale. Indicative seasons for our key species are given below. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about production months.
Species | January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Is currently not available during January | Is currently not available during February | Is currently not available during March | Is currently not available during April | Is available during May | Is available during June | Is available during July | Is available during August | Is currently not available during September | Is currently not available during October | Is currently not available during November | Is currently not available during December |